Our Ingredients

The ingredients used to craft our noodles and ramen are sourced from organic and fair-trade farmers worldwide, including countries such as Thailand, China, India and Japan.
There are three main parts to a whole grain: the bran, the germ and the endosperm. Whole grains preserve the bran and the germ, while refined grains are stripped down to the starchy endosperm.
We use whole gluten-free grains to create our flours and the milling is carefully completed by family companies who have been producing grain-based noodles for generations. This helps us retain the nutrient richness of the whole grain so we can pass it along to you. Learn more below about the health benefits of the gluten-free grains in our products!
Brown Rice
Brown rice is an excellent source of manganese, a mineral that is important for bone and joint health, skin integrity and protection from free radicals ( these are unstable molecules that can cause cell damage, like a ball pinging around a pinball machine). It also contains selenium, a powerful antioxidant that supports thyroid function, and magnesium for our muscles, nerves, bones and energy production. The high fiber content of brown rice (and the other gluten-free grains we use) yields significant benefits to our digestive system, cardiovascular health and blood sugar levels. Evidence suggests replacing white rice with brown rice may lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes.
Black Rice
The rich colour of black rice comes from its high content of an thocynanins, which are a type of antioxidants with anti – cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. One study found that black rice varieties have six times more antioxidants than brown or white rice, while another showed that it has a higher antioxidant count than blueberries. Black rice is also high in protein and fiber.
Considered the king of rice, brown and white basmati or iginated in India and are known for their aromatic and fragrant qualities. In addition to its content of B vitamins for energy levels and magnesium, brown basmati rice has about 20% more fiber than other varieties of brown rice. White basmati rice is lower in carbohydrates than other white rice types, making it a good option for those who enjoy the flavour yet don’t want to spike blood sugar levels.
Red rice has a similar nutrient profile to brown rice – it’s rich in fiber, magnesium and manganese, but the main difference is red rice is higher in antioxidants, which you may have guessed from its lovely reddish colour!
Quinoa is called a pseudo grain because while it’s not from the same family as grains that come from grasses, it’s used in the same way traditional grains are. Quinoa is a powerhouse of nutrients, including high levels of magnesium, manganese, calcium and iron, plus it’s a complete plant-based protein, which means it contains the nine essential amino acids our bodies need to maintain health. As a bonus, it cooks as quickly as white rice!
This teeny pseudo grain makes up for its diminutive size by packing an enormous nutritional punch. It’s very rich in protein – higher than any other gluten-free grain or pseudo grain. Like quinoa, it contains all of the essential amino acids and amaranth is an abundant source of lysine, an amino acid that’s minimally available in other g rains. It also supplies us with iron, magnesium, manganese and calcium in a nutty- sweet package.
Sea vegetables such as wakame have been used for centuries to promote good health. Wakame is rich in iodine for thyroid function, energy-boosting iron, Vitamin C, calcium and anti-in inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. The compounds in wakamecan be helpful for blood sugar balance, weight management, cardiovascular health and cancer prevention. With its mild flavour, wakame is the perfect addition to our noodles and ramen!
As a fermented food, miso paste has a multitude of benefits for our overall health. The process of fermentation yields nutrients that are easier for us to absorb as well as probiotics, which aid digestion, boost immunity, support weight loss and improve mood and brain function. One study of Japanese adults found that participants who consumed miso frequently had a lower heart rate than those who sipped it less, while other promising research claims it may be protective against stroke. Our miso is fermented with brown rice and organic, non-GMO soy using a koji starter.